
Everyone good?

This week I’m going to start introducing you to some form prompts.

What are those? Well, most people just think that their running action is just that - their action. They never think to try and improve it so that running becomes easier, faster or more efficient.

If you were to decide to take up swimming, going to the pool 3 times a week say, you’d think of almost nothing else but the way you swim. You’d seek out some tips on your swimming form and work on getting that looking better.

So why do we think that running is any different? Don’t ask me.

Improving your form can range from a few small tweaks to a complete overhaul. We’ll opt for the former here. Some small things (prompts!) to get your body moving more fluidly.

Prompt One - Fast Feet

This is a really simple concept. The only time you are able to accelerate as a runner is when your foot is in contact with the ground. Makes sense, doesn’t it. The act of running requires that you alternate between balanced, propulsive thrusts on each leg, driving forward by asserting force (friction) on the ground beneath you. You get a little moment in between each step, when both your feet are floating, but there’s nothing that can be done then to move you forward, except…..move your legs through faster to get back in contact with the ground!

So take more steps.

US college coach Jack Daniels once counted the stride rate of 46 Olympic runners (800m-Mara). He found that all but 1 strode at a rate above 180 steps per minute. Most recreational runners (you and I) have a cadence of 150-160 steps per minute!

This week when you run, try doing nothing more than that. Move your feet faster and take shorter, more rapid steps. Keep your normal action otherwise. It’ll adjust itself.

A good way to do that is to follow a beat in some headphones. Lots of songs are set at a beat of around 180 bpm. Here’s a playlist I’ve made (handy coach!) with a few that I like. Another approach is to just put on the Ramones live album It’s Alive”. All their songs rip along at about this tempo and it’s the best live punk album in history IMO.


Don’t worry if you can’t keep up with the songs for long. More steps is than normal” is the key, not as many steps as an Olympian”.

Give it a go for a while and then just think more steps” when the headphones come off. Would love to hear how you go with this!

Up next Roo Running - Week 5 As you’d imagine, running regularly is a good way to make you fitter! The more and longer you are able to train, the fitter you get. The science of Roo Running - Week 7 Taking more steps is great. It really is. I know you’ll have taken to that like it’s the meaning of life. We’re not done though, no way! Before we
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